Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Contrary to my recent announcement, we will NOT be providing a transcript of the London Casting Symposium. Not all of the panelists wish to be taped. Sorry.

1 comment:

Robert Sean-Riazo said...

Hi Nancy, it was great to hear the views of the panel today at the Symposium! You saw me briefly but of course it's pretty busy and i figured you'd be busy afterwoods too! I didn't get a chance to ask a question unfortunately but if you don't mind i'd like to ask:

How long after an Actor walks into the Casting Arena do you know whether they will be the ONE?

Are there times when you know straight away No! Definately not?

How can i prove to a Casting director how good i am if i don't get called to a Casting for which i know i would be perfect for? (I ask this one because i have applied for a couple on Spotlight which i would have been perfect for but didn't get a call)

Why does working abroad have to be so damn difficult?